Lotjpa Yapaneyepuk (Talk Together) about cancer trials

The ReViTALISE Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Clinical Trial Access initiative is proud to have Coordinating Principal Investigator and Research Co-Lead Monica Green, alongside Associate Investigator and Aboriginal Advisory Group Lead, Leah Lindrea-Morrison, present at the 2024 Ngar-wu Wanyarra Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Conference, hosted by the University of Melbourne’s Department of Rural Health on Wednesday, 9 October 2024.

They will share their research study, "Lotjpa Yapaneyepuk (Talk together) about cancer trials: Improving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s access to cancer clinical trials in regional Victoria, Australia". The study will run for two years until May 2026, a collaboration between Border Medical Oncology Research Unit, Rumbalara Aboriginal Cooperative Ltd, Goulburn Valley Health, and the Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (VACCHO).

The objectives of the study are to increase the knowledge of cancer clinical trials among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members in and around Shepparton, through the co-design of appropriate resource/s, and to raise awareness among cancer health professionals, of strategies that may improve access to cancer clinical trials for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in regional areas.

The study will involve yarning sessions with approximately 50 participants from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community, and education sessions with up to 100 cancer health professionals across 14-16 organisations. This study is part of the ReViTALISE project, which is funded by the Australian Government under the Medical Research Future Fund, grant number MRFF000023.